Vigneshwar's blog


Daily notes (or work-in-progress notes) are for quick capture and postponed reflection. This means you are bound to revisit them later when you have the time and space.


Derek Sivers made a 'now' page a long time ago and that eventually became a popular way for people to share some of their own life updates with others. I decided to create my own version of the 'now' page in a way which is relevant to one of my goals.


When I am in the process of convincing myself or someone else about an idea, I begin by compiling my arguments in a note and figuring out what makes most sense.


In previous posts, I’ve shared that I am an extensive note-taker. Since then people have curiously asked me about the sort of things on which I take notes.

Luckily for me, a few crucial things had already happened within my note-taking system leading up to this point thus allowing me to answer this question as follows.

Emergence of structure in the note-library

To begin with, I describe how I loosely organise my notes into clusters with links between related notes, considering that presently I have about 650 individual notes written over the period of about 2-3 years.


Ever since I decided to move to all-digital note-taking, over the past few years, I’ve used a number of note-taking apps to find what works best for me. During this pursuit for the ideal note-taking app, I realised that two features were essential for my purpose.


Make the process of writing seem less daunting

This week I started reading a new book and wanted to share with you how reading and note-taking contribute to my process for writing.


I am an extensive note-taker.

Today, I began writing a new note in my note-taking app of choice, Bear. This note is of a new kind. It Is metadata or context for existing information in my repository in order to adopt a new approach to organise the knowledge I have accumulated over the years. While my notes are already quite organised, filed under tags and nested sub-tags for convenient access, there is a need for improvement. As the number of notes increase over time, I realise that using tags as the sole form of organisation is neither efficient nor sufficient.

While I have come across the the concept of Personal Knowledge Management earlier, the real trigger for me today to revisit the existing structure was coming across a new note-taking app known as Obsidian. It is a thing of beauty.

Why is it so good?